Tunnel Vision
Now this is worth celebrating. We've made it through. All the way to the other side. The unknown. Granted, we're not really sure if this is the other side so much as the end of some sort of time or journey but hip hip hooray, here we all are.
Most of us. Some of us got left behind. Forgotten. Passed away. No, not dead, they just passed us going the other way. Carl thought we should give them a head's up to the fact that maybe they were moving in the wrong direction, but I said, Carl, remember- you never know where someone's coming from or where they're going. Everyone is on their own journey. Maybe they're going the right direction for them. Carl does his tight head waggle and starts to speak then his lips purse and he turns away from me to keep moving. Through, he said, we're moving through, not doubling back. They can't possibly be on the right path. I don't know what you think this entire journey has been about, Arvid, but I'm sure as heck not going to stop moving forward now, not after everything we've been through.
Carl's a funny duck, as my father would say. Oh he's fine, really; but Carl is a man who never wavers. Nope, no sirree, not an inch. So if we start the journey this way, we end the journey this way, point finale. And he would say that with a French accent. He's from Manitoba. I don't ask. Anyhoodle, we're intent on celebrating because finally, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. It's an actual tunnel, under some sort of structure or land. I forget because we've been in it for so long. The walls are curved and it has the pong of tired earthworms after too much rain. There have been some shadows and a few marks pointing haphazardly along the way but the light ahead is strong and clear. Blinding actually, but it's something. I can't stop thinking about the man and woman we passed 4 days ago. Or was it 5? It's all one big day right about now. But the light- the light! Funny, I can't see Carl anymore...just a silhouette ahead. Or is that Francine? At any rate, we're almost there. I think. Yes, we are. There. Wait, what...oh. Carl has disappeared. Into the light...Carl?
Maybe we should revisit our celebrations.
Most of us. Some of us got left behind. Forgotten. Passed away. No, not dead, they just passed us going the other way. Carl thought we should give them a head's up to the fact that maybe they were moving in the wrong direction, but I said, Carl, remember- you never know where someone's coming from or where they're going. Everyone is on their own journey. Maybe they're going the right direction for them. Carl does his tight head waggle and starts to speak then his lips purse and he turns away from me to keep moving. Through, he said, we're moving through, not doubling back. They can't possibly be on the right path. I don't know what you think this entire journey has been about, Arvid, but I'm sure as heck not going to stop moving forward now, not after everything we've been through.
Carl's a funny duck, as my father would say. Oh he's fine, really; but Carl is a man who never wavers. Nope, no sirree, not an inch. So if we start the journey this way, we end the journey this way, point finale. And he would say that with a French accent. He's from Manitoba. I don't ask. Anyhoodle, we're intent on celebrating because finally, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. It's an actual tunnel, under some sort of structure or land. I forget because we've been in it for so long. The walls are curved and it has the pong of tired earthworms after too much rain. There have been some shadows and a few marks pointing haphazardly along the way but the light ahead is strong and clear. Blinding actually, but it's something. I can't stop thinking about the man and woman we passed 4 days ago. Or was it 5? It's all one big day right about now. But the light- the light! Funny, I can't see Carl anymore...just a silhouette ahead. Or is that Francine? At any rate, we're almost there. I think. Yes, we are. There. Wait, what...oh. Carl has disappeared. Into the light...Carl?
Maybe we should revisit our celebrations.
THIS is the one we thought would make a good short film!