Trudy Loves Linda
Now you listen to me. You sit yourself down, take a deep breath and disengage, you hear me? That's right. This is not your circus, these are not your monkeys- sorry, not your clowns- I know how much you abhor animals in entertainment. Don't want to get you sidetracked here.
Alright. Now. What can you do right here, right now, to make a difference? I'm serious, this is a very real question I'm asking you. Don't look at me that way Linda, do not give me that look. I know that look, it says I'm gonna pretend to listen when really you're ignoring me behind your eyes. I know you are. Yes Linda, you are.
Linda sighs. She drops her chin and peers up through the bottom of those crazy long lashes that curl up for days. Such a gorgeous face. So hard to stay angry with her for long, this one. She's got Trudy wrapped around her little finger.
Paw, actually.
Her curly coated, apricot coloured, overpriced and overbred labra-schnoodle-cross paw. You'd think for such an expensive dog they'd have bred in better manners.
But no, every time there's a knock at the door, or kids on the street, or a loud car rolls by all hell breaks loose. A bark and ruckus to wake the dead. Her neighbours are ready to light her house on fire, she's sure of it. Torch her out. The constant barrage of notes, then emails, then registered letters and visits from the local animal welfare unit. I mean, really. Trudy is doing her best.
She's not a believer in pack mentality or alpha dog. Who enjoys being swatted and yelled at? Sure didn't work on her growing up, so why would she discipline Linda that way.
Dog people. You're either one of them or against them, Trudy's always believed that.
Ok, yes. sometimes Linda barks a bit louder and longer than she would like but maybe if the neighbours weren't having party after party in their backyard til all hours of the night Linda wouldn't be so reactive. Maybe, just maybe, if they invited Trudy to one of their fancy pants cocktail parties then they would get to know her and Linda and realize how special she is. Linda, she means, not herself. She know she's an acquired taste. That's what her mother would tell her when yet another birthday party or valentine's day passed without any cards or invite. You're an acquired taste, Trudy, and that's ok. Someday, you'll see, you'll find your people and they will see you and love you for who you are.
Well, she got tired of waiting, and one day five months ago she got the call.
Now she'll never be without a friend and companion again. No mater what the neighbours think of her. Trudy is a better friend than they'll ever be.
Alright. Now. What can you do right here, right now, to make a difference? I'm serious, this is a very real question I'm asking you. Don't look at me that way Linda, do not give me that look. I know that look, it says I'm gonna pretend to listen when really you're ignoring me behind your eyes. I know you are. Yes Linda, you are.
Linda sighs. She drops her chin and peers up through the bottom of those crazy long lashes that curl up for days. Such a gorgeous face. So hard to stay angry with her for long, this one. She's got Trudy wrapped around her little finger.
Paw, actually.
Her curly coated, apricot coloured, overpriced and overbred labra-schnoodle-cross paw. You'd think for such an expensive dog they'd have bred in better manners.
But no, every time there's a knock at the door, or kids on the street, or a loud car rolls by all hell breaks loose. A bark and ruckus to wake the dead. Her neighbours are ready to light her house on fire, she's sure of it. Torch her out. The constant barrage of notes, then emails, then registered letters and visits from the local animal welfare unit. I mean, really. Trudy is doing her best.
She's not a believer in pack mentality or alpha dog. Who enjoys being swatted and yelled at? Sure didn't work on her growing up, so why would she discipline Linda that way.
Dog people. You're either one of them or against them, Trudy's always believed that.
Ok, yes. sometimes Linda barks a bit louder and longer than she would like but maybe if the neighbours weren't having party after party in their backyard til all hours of the night Linda wouldn't be so reactive. Maybe, just maybe, if they invited Trudy to one of their fancy pants cocktail parties then they would get to know her and Linda and realize how special she is. Linda, she means, not herself. She know she's an acquired taste. That's what her mother would tell her when yet another birthday party or valentine's day passed without any cards or invite. You're an acquired taste, Trudy, and that's ok. Someday, you'll see, you'll find your people and they will see you and love you for who you are.
Well, she got tired of waiting, and one day five months ago she got the call.
Now she'll never be without a friend and companion again. No mater what the neighbours think of her. Trudy is a better friend than they'll ever be.
I think the best people in life are often are "acquired tastes". ;-)