Quarantine Connections

Oh Arlene, I think he's smitten, I really do. How can I tell? Please. Did you not see him staring at you the entire call.  He was eye locked onto your square the entire time, I could see it plain as day, at least from where I was sitting. Mind you my monitor isn't as big and fancy as yours, but even so; Bradley was only interested in you. And not to be whatever, but it's not like you were leading the charge on conversation either. You sat there pretty much on display for him to admire.

Don't get me wrong- get it where you can, honey. Pickings are slim, especially the longer we're stuck in this. Men our age are dropping like flies because they're too stupid and stubborn to stay home. Going off to get themselves infected tossing a football around in the back yard with their neighbours, or like that skinny fellow, what's his name, the marathon man at the end of your street with the accent, always running like his feet are on fire. Sweat flying off him like a shaggy dog after a skunk bath. Inconsiderate so and so. I mean, really. What are you running from, I ask myself. Hmm? That's the real question.

Trust me, Arlene the more of these video calls you do, you'll start to see who's who and what's what. Remember though, wear your pants. Shelley forgot she was on video and not audio with us last week  and got up mid sentence to take her blouse off, and pull popcorn out of her bra. It was 9:30 am. Who's eating popcorn for breakfast. That is a whole other kettle of fish we could get into but I digress. No judgement here, no m'am, not from me.

I hear Bradley 's business is booming. He's one of the lucky ones. Pool maintenance. Now that everyone is stuck in their backyards all summer, Bradley's been run off his feet tending to the ingrounds that need cleaning. May not be fancy but he's bringing in an income. If that doesn't get your motor running Arlene then I don't know what to tell you.


  1. This feels like part of a one woman shoe I'd like to see...!


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