And So On And So Forth And Auld Lang Syne
Kate's the kinda girl that wants to be resolved. She makes plans, writes resolutions, uses all caps all the time and emoticons inappropriately. Anything to create shape and direction in her life. She does this at the beginning of every new year like clockwork. It never pans out. The best laid plans, blah blah blabbity blah. This year she's starting early. She's got a whole week. More than enough time to manifest a life changing program which will culminate in a grand celebration on New Year's Eve. She'll gather up some gal pals, build a beach side bonfire; they'll drown themselves in stories of what once was, lay out dreams of what will be. Consume copious amounts of the home made Baileys she has no business drinking, all the while committing themselves to brand-spanking new vows to Make Things Happen. Time to shake out the old, ring in the new, wipe the slate clean. Tabula rasa. Just like last year. And the year before that. And so on and so forth and ...