How To Achieve World Domination
Mornings are Ali's best time of day. She's clear and focused, energized and ready. The hour before she falls asleep is dynamite. Ali makes lists, dreams grand schemes, makes promises to herself that when she wakes up she will make monumental progress, seize the day, completely explode with productivity. She is omnipotent two whole hours of the day. One hundred and twenty minutes, give or take. If she lingers in bed too long, haphazardly hitting the snooze alarm for the fourth time, it's over. She's done for the day. There goes the morning window of pure awesome. At this point Ali thinks why bother, she's passed her peak, missed the moment, blown her shot at carpe'ing the diem. She just needs a minute. Or 40. She waffles and wavers, slowly rolling into first gear. By noon she'll kick it into second. Third if it's sunny outside. After caffeine and sugar and copious cat memes and celebrity eye candy on the internet her tidal waves shift. Around three pm she's back on top, convinced that come bedtime, she'll be winning again. Another latte, a glazed maple nut scone and she's pounding away furiously on her aging laptop at her favourite cafe, a reliable spot to kill time til dinner. Then, oh yes, then she'll really be flying. Do some laundry, pay some bills, maybe even make a kick ass dinner with vegetables and everything. But first, a nap. The sugar crash is deafening, a tsunami of defeat washes over her and it's back to bed, just for an hour. Or two. Maybe it'll be an early night. Yeah, then tomorrow, bright and early, she can start anew, fresh and fabulous, wipe this day clean off the books and be so high functioning the world won't know what hit it. Just another cookie, a pot of tea. The salad will keep. She'll do the dishes after breakfast. A good sleep will fix everything. She'll be incredible. Tomorrow, Ali will be the change.
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