Complicated Coffee

It's a double date. Esther and Jonathan have been seeing a lot of each other over the last three months. Izzy and Rico have been married for 2 years but had a 12 year engagement. One of those. Esther wondered if they'd jinx it by tying the knot- fall apart and divorce within the year. So far, so good. At least from outward appearances. Esther's nervous- she likes this guy but knows he's a hard sell. Izzy and Rico are her oldest, dearest friends. They've been there through all of her men, for better or worse. Mostly worse. It's rare that Esther does the meet and greet so soon into a courtship but this  one feels different. He's kind. Funny. Conscientious. Short. Ok, there are some cons weighing against the pros, she knows this. But he's the best thing she's met in months, maybe even years. Esther slides onto the chair next to the window, leaving Jonathan with the aisle seat. Awkward seeing that she has to fold her legs in on herself like a praying mantis. Not that she kills her prey after sex or anything. Things have never gotten that bad. Everyone gladhands, a mixture of hugs, air kisses, uncomfortable handshakes. Jonathan stands until the women sit. Esther watches her friends stealthily for any sign of approval or disdain, trying to relax, remain calm. Rico offers to place their orders, wait in the ever expanding line of yummy mummes with strollers and earnest hipster types with laptops geting ready to write their day away on caffeine and free wifi. Jonathan begs him off, insisting he pay, and at the least stand in line alongside him. Plus his order is complicated, one of those no whip, steamed, extra hot, shot of something, half caf, low fat, with a twist fancy coffees. Esther shrinks in her seat. She can feel the colour rising in her neck. Izzy catches her eye with an expression that says, Wow. He's THAT guy, the complicated coffee guy. Then a smile creeps across her face and she winks playfully. Izzy tells Jonathan she'll have the same, squeezing Esther's hand in collusion. Then Esther pipes up, Make it three. Jonathan, oblivious to it all, beams from ear to ear. Oh! You'll love it, I swear! he enthuses. It's really, really, REALLY good coffee. Oh, that's great, that's wonderful. I'm so excited to share this with you guys, you're gonna love it, it's just great! Esther can't help it. He makes her happy, quirks and crazy coffee predilections all.


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