Sexy Fruit

Frozen cherries burn and thaw out in her mouth, dissolving into a fibrous, silky pulp, temporarily numbing the tip of her tongue. Blackberries aren't as enjoyable. Riddled with tight, hard seeds that weave their way in between her teeth, hiding in wait only to be painstakingly extricated hours later. Pomegranate seeds pop like mini explosions of tangy sweetness, tart and addictive. But the wild blueberries make the difference. Mellow, comforting, perfectly defined on her palate, blueberries are the bridge between the ambrosial cherries and astringent blackberries. A sea of indigo drips from her tongue, her fingers and thumbs ink-stained. Nails are tinged blue from digging through mounds of frozen fruit. Mouthful after mouthful sending spasms of pleasurable pain throughout her body. The intial shock of brain freeze blooms into complete satiety of her taste buds. So many sensations overlapping, so satisfying. She has no sense of delayed gratification, the bowl is almost completely empty. All that is left are some rogue seeds and a smattering of burgundy juice, beet like in colour but oh so syrupy. She struggles to remain unstained. Too late. You never can tell where it's gonna end up. Her skin is tattooed with the evidence, lips lined blue, deep purple specks dot her breast. She eats in underwear, the ceiling fan a constant hum. Everything is melting around her. She lifts the bowl to her lips, downs the dregs and smacks her lips like a child, surprising herself with her voraciousness. Frozen berries on a sticky, hot, humid night. The perfect solution to sensual climes.


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