Get Here Now

Get here when you can. Maybe not now, maybe not next week, maybe two years from the last time we met. But get here, any way you can. Find some way, some means. By hook or crook. Walk, run, fly, crawl, transcendentally meditate, will yourself. Find your way back here. Or forward, to where here might be somewhere down the line. That's what I'm asking. Show up. Make a stand. Appear, full of life, ready. For anything, for nothing, for what ever comes our way. I'm asking a lot, I understand this. I can hear it in your silence but- please. Please. Hear my words. However they find you. In a letter. Or a card, a note. An email. Smoke signals. Carrier pigeon. Message in a bottle. Pony express. Banner plane. On a wall, scrawled out in a foreign tongue halfway around the world in the middle of a gin soaked dark night of the soul. Find them. See them. Read them.
Seek them out.
That's all I ask.
You don't have to stay. This isn't a forever and ever amen. No happily ever after. Just a come here.


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