
Oliver spends fourteen minutes of every lunch hour walking to and from the dollar store. He has it timed within a ten second measure, depending on traffic lights and unforeseen obstructions, such as wayward contruction cones and temporary fencing.  Sometimes Angie the crossing guard tries to engage him in meaningless conversation which irritates Oliver to no end. Please do not talk to me, I have a very strict timeline and cannot be distracted, thank you. This is Oliver's well worn mantra. At least twice a week, generally Tuesdays and Thursdays unless it is raining, Angie tries to engage him on his walk. Oliver is easily annoyed. He knows this because his parents remind him of it repeatedly, every morning over his breakfast of cheerios with a sliced banana, 6 raw almonds and 1% milk in the yellow bowl with a blue rim. If the banana is too ripe or not ripe enough, if there are 5 almonds or 7, Oliver becomes inconsolable. Nothing short of a full court press from both parents can calm him down. So today Oliver keeps his stride with purpose, catching the green light, skirting the  sinkhole and making it to the front door of Dollarama with 8 seconds to spare. Today is a good day. Win-win.


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