The Sure Thing

Sleep, that's all she needs. Turn off her brain and shut down her body. Virginia can't figure out how this became her routine. Up with the birds then run around frenetically accomplishing next to nothing until her feet are so sore it hurts to walk. And for what, that's the question. Clear as mud, to quote her mom. She picked the wrong fork in the woods way back when, that's obvious. Thanks for nothing Mr. Frost. Hours and hours of breaking her back trying to master her craft and for what? A life of constant struggle and suffering with little to no reward. These days, at least- that's the reality. Give give give. What about some taking, hmm? Ginny's ready to stop and smell the roses. Reap her just rewards. Throw her stupid alarm clock out the window and sleep in for a change and participate in activities and work that is actually fulfilling, creatively, spiritually, emotionally. Ten, fifteen years ago maybe this was a different story but what happened to respect coming with age and experience or opportunity following hard work and due diligence. It's insane. Ginny has to get up in less than 4 hours to star this crazy cycle all over again and still, at the end of the month after busting a gut on five different foci, she still can't get ahead. Screw the affirmations and self helpologisms. When is it her turn to win, huh?  Is that so much to ask? Her phone buzzes, beeps, honks, tweets. Possibilities abound. But no Sure Thing. That's all she needs. A Sure Thing, right here, right now. Blow this whole world of stasis wide open.


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