Side Effects May Include

Side effects may include loss of sight, smell, raging diarrhea, flatulance, leaky gut syndrome, and an overall sense of malaise.
Rare cases of stage 4 terminal lymphoma-based cancers have been known to occur. (Sorry)
Suicidal thoughts, questioning one's self worth and life's purpose may also occur.
Avoid if pregnant or nursing
Thinking about pregnancy
Thinking about dating
Which may possibly lead to sex
Which may accidentally lead to pregnancy with some emotionally unavailable douchenozzle who will flip out and go ballistic when you tell him after the fact that you've decided you're just not that into the idea of parenting to begin with so you'll be making the choice to terminate without his input, thank you very much.

In other words, engage at your own risk.

At this point, Barb's forgotten why she was even considering treatment at all.
Why not just stay home, bake artisanal vegan macarons and write the next great travel guide to south western Utah.
Where Mormons Collide:
Salt Lake's Seedy Underbelly
Complete with historically accurate bread recipes.
There's a market for everything these days.

Inhale for 4, exhale for 6.
Om shanti om
Can you feel the release?

Pause pause pause.

Namaste this, motherfucker.
NOTHING she does can quiet her mind.
An entire colony of hamsters are running ragged, whipping around her brain, lap after lap
A criterium of rodents.
It's like Paris Roubaix and her mind is the cobbles.

Through the nose...two, three, four
Hold hold hold
And release through the mouth....five, six, seven, eight.

In, out.
In, out.
In, out.



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