What We Think We Know, We Think.

Kindness matters. Say Yes. Say No. Be brave. Have courage. A closed door means an open window. Everything happens for a reason, you just don't know what the reason is. Be thankful. Be grateful. Be, do, strive. Don't act, just breathe. Intuit. Say sorry. Never apologize. Know everything. Know nothing. Understand. Ask questions, question answers, be immovable, be flexible, commit to change. Be the change. Have a heart. Don't engage. Let people be. Help out. Give away everything you own. Stop consuming. Buy this. Now. Try something new, try everything once, the good things twice. Be careful. Travel. Nest. Explore. Turn inwards. Laugh out loud. Find stillness. Peace. Get angry. Take action. Be accountable. Never take responsibility for anyone else's feelings. Be an empath. Take care of each other. Protect yourself. Guard your heart. Give it away. Blow things up. Plant seeds, cultivate ideas. Tear it all down, start fresh. Share the news. Teach. Learn. Meditate. Go for a run. Lift heavy shit. Do yoga. Stretch. Compress. Activate. Release. Love. Detach. Bond. Expect the best. Have no expectations. Don't borrow or lend. Cultivate good credit. You don't owe anyone anything. We are responsible for each other. Dependent. Independent. Interdependence. Dream. Be realistic. Go right. Go left. Do nothing, just listen. Shut out the noise. Make a mess. Be concise, detailed, specific. Explore the outer limits. Stay close to home. Home is where the heart is. Home is anywhere you are. There is no home, we belong nowhere. Keep growing, be better, try harder. Just stop. Stop. Wipe the slate clean. Begin again. Tabula rasa. Full plate. Abundance. Grace. Struggle. Suffering. Life. Death. Be. Here. Now. Let go of it all. Just-


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