The Self Talk

That was good, that was really, really good. I felt really good about that. It wasn't like, yeah, I'm gonna get it, but more like, ok, yes. Yes, I did a great job in there and I feel great about the work, and that's what really matters right? I mean, yes, the job would be fantastic, INCREDIBLE, don't get my wrong, I really really want it, I do. That room was filled with women, incredible, fantastic, phenomenal women and everyone and their dog is going in for it it's  hurry up and wait. Just walk away and forget about it. Wipe the slate clean. I mean, have you heard anything yet? I know it's only been a day, but I heard callbacks were next week- right? Is that what you heard? Because maybe you heard something I didn't. Or not, whatever. I saw Isabelle there and Danielle and Julia and Elena. All the gals. The Usual Suspects, ha. Everyone is probably in consideration but I know, no- I mean, I feel rather- that I did a solid audition. Rock solid, in the pocket, totally present and in the moment. I changed the air in the room, I mean it. I could feel it. And she seemed happy, she did. Really positive. If they don't cast me, well, then, obviously, it was out of my hands, right? I know everybody probably feels great about their auditions, it's just that kind of thing but I want to believe- no, I do believe- that mine was just that much more special. Yeah, I'm a bit older than the character and probably a bit different physically than what they're looking for but hey, never say never. As long as she doesn't go with like, a NAME or something, I think it could be mine. Ok, stop thinking about it. Let it go. Out of my hands. Moving on. Stay positive. Be happy. Be grateful. So, have you heard? Anything? Should I call to check in, what do you think? Maybe send a note? An email? I know, a postcard, OH! I'll send some thank you flowers. And a card. Yeah, nothing too much, nothing too over the top. Just, you know, a reminder. Not that she'd forget, I'm not saying that. Just.....Ok. Ok, ok, I hear you. Right. No, you're right, you're absolutely, 100% right, yeah, of course. Totally. Don't have to tell me twice, ha. Oh! Hey, that's my agent- gotta go!


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