Chemical Reaction

Everything and then some, she just wanted it all, and more. Insatiable, unrelenting, intense. He couldn't keep up. Again and again and again. Normally, Brent was in the driver's seat. He was the one in control, from the get go, feigning aloofness, being all gosh golly gee, shucks woman, you are somethin else, while sizing up whether or not the lady in play was going to remain detached or emotionally launch an anchor into him. Brent always played offensive slide, answered questions with questions, mirrored behaviour while remaining emotionally detached. Completely self absorbed in the moment while rigorously not getting involved. He figured as long as he said one thing off the top he could behave any which way from then on and not be held accountable. But she was different. Demanding. Fully engaged. Wide open, completely present. Raw. Scared the pants off  him and turned him on to the nth degree. So incredibly powerful, physically. He'd fantastized about being with a tall woman, someone he could meet eye to eye, toe to toe. She could straddle him against the wall standing up. Made him weak in the knees and light headed, jacking up his pulse and dropping his blood pressure. He was giggling, panting, terrified and titilated all at once. Warning signs were flashing behind his eyes, bells and whistles in his brain, this won't end well, this will not end well. He was spiraling into the vortex of her kinetic pull, their chemistry palpable, a perpetual motion machine in interlock, full throttle, about to spontaneously combust. It was too late, Brent was too far gone to turn back now. Better to burn out then fade away. A brilliant burst of light then flame out til dawn.


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