Seeking Direction

Living in between the lines Kaleigh gets lost. She's always been directionally challenged, lacking any internal compass. Some would say morally as well. Free spirited. Impulsive. A simple walk round the block can end up with her miles from home, an unexpected urban adventure. Somewhere along the line it became her credo, with a little help from Chet Baker: Let's Get Lost. Her inability to stay the course defines her. Lost jobs, failed marriages, wandering eyes. Gets her in trouble time and time again. Fall down six times get up seven, preferably facing the opposite way, in someone else's sphere. Eventually she'll get so turned around, mired in the maze of wanderlustful reactionary decisions that she will find herself down under, so far from home that the road back disappears. Paths erode. Life alters course randomly in unexpected, unanticipated ways. Middle age set in and Kaleigh's stuck in stasis spinning in circles, no longer impelled by a desire to explore. Life, lust, experience- all of it, dissipates. For the first time she begins to crave purpose. Direction. Volition, in and of itself, for the sake of a map to follow. A true north or west or hell, even south east. A concrete plan. Exhaustion has conquered her. The repetition of starting over and over and over in strange locales, foreign beds, unknown bodies defeats who she has become. She has lost herself and needs to find her way home.


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